Let us talk about the dual of capacitor - inductor. Transmission line
inductance plays a very vital role in terms of stability of the system.
Suppose you have a simple series circuit of a inductor, a switch, a DC source and a bulb. What happens when you close the switch, the bulb goes on burning brightly and then attains maxima. When you open the switch, the bulb burns very brightly and then quickly goes out.
The reason for this strange behavior is the inductor. When current first starts flowing in the coil, the coil wants to build up a magnetic field. While the field is building, the coil inhibits the flow of current. Once the field is built, current can flow normally through the wire. When the switch gets opened, the magnetic field around the coil keeps current flowing in the coil until the field collapses (and energy gets dumped in bulb). This current keeps the bulb lit for a period of time even though the switch is open (mechanically). In other words, an inductor can store energy in its magnetic field, and an inductor tends to resist any change in the amount of current flowing through it.(The application of above concept can be seen in the power electronic circuits where inductor forces current through the reverse biased switches and so they fail to turn off.)
Suppose you have a simple series circuit of a inductor, a switch, a DC source and a bulb. What happens when you close the switch, the bulb goes on burning brightly and then attains maxima. When you open the switch, the bulb burns very brightly and then quickly goes out.
The reason for this strange behavior is the inductor. When current first starts flowing in the coil, the coil wants to build up a magnetic field. While the field is building, the coil inhibits the flow of current. Once the field is built, current can flow normally through the wire. When the switch gets opened, the magnetic field around the coil keeps current flowing in the coil until the field collapses (and energy gets dumped in bulb). This current keeps the bulb lit for a period of time even though the switch is open (mechanically). In other words, an inductor can store energy in its magnetic field, and an inductor tends to resist any change in the amount of current flowing through it.(The application of above concept can be seen in the power electronic circuits where inductor forces current through the reverse biased switches and so they fail to turn off.)
The capacity of an inductor is controlled by four factors:
The number of coils - More coils means more inductance.
The material that the coils are wrapped around (the core)
The cross-sectional area of the coil - More area means more inductance.
The length of the coil - A short coil means narrower (or overlapping) coils, which means more inductance.
Putting iron in the core of an inductor gives it much more inductance than air or any non-magnetic core would.
The standard unit of inductance is the henry. The equation for calculating the number of henries in an inductor is:
H = (4 * Pi * #Turns * #Turns * coil Area * mu) / (coil Length * 10,000,000)
The area and length of the coil are in meters. The term mu is the permeability of the core. Air has a permeability of 1, while steel might have a permeability of 2,000.
Inductor Application: Traffic Light Sensors
We know inductance depends on the core material used. The sensor constantly tests the inductance of the loop in the road, and when the inductance rises (due to metal parts of car) it knows there is a car waiting.
You cannot afford to forget this:
(We will go quite parallel to capacitor if you notice.)
The current flowing through an inductor can never change instantaneously. It is a current stiff element.
(CAUTION- It is important to understand this as 2 pure voltage stiff elements and 2 pure current stiff elements should never be connected. Look for yourself in the VSI and CSI design constraints or Can you imagine what will happen if pure capacitor is connected across voltage source?)
If the rate of change of current is high, inductor will generate a voltage impulse (high magnitude for short duration).
If we draw graph of voltage across inductor and time, positive area (positive volt-Sec) and negative area (Negative volt-Sec) should be equal for 1 cycle. This is called as volt-Sec balance theory. If you notice carefully enough, it is nothing but flux balance (Faraday's law).
Whatever may be the current through inductor, the energy stored by inductor from starting time to time instant ‘t’ is equal to the energy stored by the capacitor at time instant ‘t’. (again a very classic concept!)
Inductor connected DC source charges linearly (and not exponentially(RL circuit) – very common misconception) with slope Vdc/L.
Thank you for your time and please feel free to leave comments.
This post is taken from learnwithtesla.blogspot.com